Friday, September 22, 2006

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ELAN No. 45 September 2006 September 2006


We had fun to meet some expressions in the last delivery of the Mayor. Perhaps you find others?

In the editorial / summary, we find the word "participatory", he did not dare go up "participatory democracy" when, despite his promises, 44% of the population Avonnese (2001 elections) is still not represented at the Community Commons. There are only self-proclaimed on 9 deputies, who are rarely all present! But the success of Ségolène Royal with participatory democracy inspires our mayor, always ready to capture a slogan for the meaningless.
Further, if you read quickly, the Mayor welcomes the achievement of the second flower. We are delighted with him when we do, but patience, it's just a competition. Waiting for the result!
He finished by saying "Republican elected." Okay, while he applies the law not for the expression of opposition groups and the law Solidarity, it stigmatizes Urban Renewal under the name Gayssot-Besson!
Page 5, is believed to have a "new venue MDLV?? where? page 8, a "new home of sports"? "6000 was dismissed"? there, the population must have increased damn because 1 have dismissed on 2, including babies and those who can not do sports, it is reminiscent of "Potemkin village".

Page 26, when the mayor tells us about the Gayssot-Besson in December 2000, stressing that, you may be saying, it leads to concrete, 1) it would be hard pressed to cite such a provision 2) Law was not in effect at the time of the adoption of its POS in 1999, which for once, allows construction of very high density and very low quality on the so-called economic axis. When we
Mayor criticizes a lack of consistency, it should be confused with its own policy, and finally, if so many "newcomers choose to live in Avon," it is certainly not for new construction, but for the quality of of life remaining, but that must be protected to keep the economic and social asset. Ask
rather the people of Franklin Roosevelt Ave nuisance she has to suffer due to the heavy traffic, and to know what she thinks of the countless projects in preparation and processing of this wide tree-lined avenue in narrow sewer cars.
Finally, page 27, his modesty does not prevent him from publishing articles in the glory of his re-election, even though it cut passages less interesting?


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