Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Do Prices Drop After Christmas


My remarks will be brief and will include two parts: one on the budget section, and the so-called sustainable development.

On the budget section itself, there is not much to say as the document is correct, but hollow, and provides only information DEXIA, or look in the mirror, instead of providing guidance for the future as its name indicates. The tone of the document rather than a will, destined successor.

Just as we will report the investment, an average of € 1,238,333 for the 6-year term of office of the normal rise sharply to € 4,280,983 in the year of repetition of the curriculum or 3.5 times more. Nobody is fooled. Fortunately you have this year repechage to take some of your promises.

On the Development section supposedly sustainable, it is clear that you do not believe yourself to what is written, and I thank you for calling me for my opinion. Well now, I'll give it to you. Too bad you waited 13 years to seek advice from Avon in your campaign pamphlet. One would think that after 2 terms, you would have had time to take the pulse of have, without asking their opinion for a 3 rd mandate. I think they will soon make you understand.

I will issue a good point nonetheless, lighting the street from the High Bercel, where you finally listened to our advice. If you had listened for 13 years, you would have avoided many mistakes, instead of suddenly discovering the consultation, after 13 years in office.

In the brief you have written, we will meet quite a few inaccuracies as a result of studies to raise achievement. That's fair, and again no one is fooled. Similarly there is no reflection on the overall topic. It is true that you learn, because Just a year ago, November 21, 2006, at the DOB, you said that you were asking for the proposed future water treatment plant, and no capital expenditure had yet been made for economies of energy.

Since you ask our opinion, we tell you straight out: Sustainable Development and the QEH have become old-fashioned and obsolete. The QEH is a label that non-normative, has been replaced by the standard BBC Low Consumption Building. When Sustainable Development in which you do not believe you, is a concept that spreads the idea that it would pollute a little less, pollute longer. This does not call into question the logic that led to the current situation.

should say in your defense, that the translation of the word "sustainable" in sustainable, does not involve the concept of "morality" implied in the word. The French word is totally devoid

This word seems to ignore the latest development Grenelle, the problem of global warming that the IPCC experts have told us this weekend that was irreversible by lack of political will. It implies a growth known in essence it is impossible in the long term, measured by GDP, then we can decrease pollution and consumption, which we believe is that they are indispensable, so that 'they just alienate us.

Due to time constraints, I invite you to read the 27 UN principles for this development: I did briefly quote a few:

Principle 3: law generation future

Principle 7: Restore health and ecosystem integrity

Principle 8: appropriate demographic policies

Principle 10: Treat at the appropriate level (local mean)

Principle 15 precautionary principle

Principle 16: polluter pays

Principle 20: Women have a vital role

Principle 21: Young people also

Principle 24: War is inherently destructive

I conclude my remarks by thanking you all for listening, and wishing all a civilization sharing, usability, and why not the love. Jean-Marie VIROT

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Chorizo Appetizer Chorizo Appetizer?

For our grandchildren, Agenda 21 recognized

The sudden strictness Mayor's parking lot after 13 years of complacency, let them have at the least confused. Yet this is only the fruit of hesitation waltz on the blue areas or not, and the result of carelessness in the management of public spaces. It was very easy, after shouting "Stop the Concrete" for concrete collective shred available. But the time of fat cows which were harvested, among others, the housing tax is spent. Now you have to pay utilities become undersized: car parks, the sewage treatment plant (the Prefect put us in default, under penalty financial, to stop pollution), public transportation, school facilities, etc. . when the purchasing power of French is declining. All this is only the result of a headlong rush that must be put end.

Under pressure from the global oil market and a certain awareness of the dangers, the Grenelle Environment directs France to research and implement actions which contribute to the harmonious development of our society more efficient for our finances and our well-being, of course, but also for the planet!

That is why the team "Near You", extended and open, has chosen the slogan: "Avon, city eco-citizen" and decided to prepare and put in place for years come, a coherent program and thought, from an "Agenda 21 recognized." We will engage in collective thinking to define actions to consolidate the economic development of our city, including ensuring real quality of life for all while preserving our environment. This is a challenging goal for our community to be mobilized, bringing their own stone to the edifice. There is much to do but it is the future of our children and grandchildren that is just as much as the interest of citizens today.

* Agenda 21 recognized: it is an action program for 21 th century, made at the Earth Conference in Rio in 1992. Recognized is a label awarded by the French government, to avoid artificial Agenda 21 which serve only to make pictures with Pdt of the Republic.

IMPORTANT: All EU citizens (EU) have the right (duty?) To vote in municipal elections. Just go sign up early at the town hall.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

How To Get Rid Of Shower Curtain Smell

AVON, Eco-town

"A new dynamic for AVON, city eco-citizen"

is the commitment that has given the team "Near You" , led by Jean-Marie Virot for the municipal elections of March 2008.

But what is an eco-town citizen? It is a city where the three dimensions: social progress, environmental protection and economic development are the three pillars of political service and all forward looking.

On each of these pillars, local authorities can act, while making best use of public money, no waste. We will have the opportunity to explain and clarify our method of work during the election campaign.

We are working on this project for over a year. In the coming weeks, we will present our program, established in consultation, and once elected, we will submit our initial proposals for discussion at all have them.

At the same time, we will launch a new era of collaboration within the community of common ways to optimize our cost and develop projects of agglomeration. Among them, the pole station (we will engage the revised current project, also criticized by Fontainebleau) and the busiest routes, which will secure both for pedestrians and for bicycles.

team that will come to your votes in next March, largely open to players of associative life, the main goal is to live well together in mutual respect.

As you can see, the task is huge: we need you! We also need you now.

Contact us www.proches de 01 60 72 01 87 virot.jean-marie @

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Star Tattoo On My Lower Hip



Mayor, who sold the skin of the second flower, before turning it off (editorial ELAN November 2006), found himself very sorry when the verdict was dropped!
second point flower in winter, which would nicely dressed his program! Supposedly the city was not enough bulbs planted by the number of inhabitants (according to deputies with the jury present). Hence the method
Stakhanovite used to plant this spring! And he did not say, but he thought hard (because everything is political at him): "The jury did not understand my policy of flowers! . Nay!

Supporters also beautify the city, we went to check on the site; this has enabled us to discover that 50% of the jury note is the heritage landscape and vegetation, 30% of life and sustainable development and 20% in tourism development and animation!
We see then advocated measures that we recommend and that we apply when we are the majority: economy of water resources and not watering during the day and on the asphalt as we saw early this year, using water from the fountain to Maria instead of pumping treated tap water, tree inventory, less toxic and not sprayed with pesticides of which is found in tap water, clear air networks , control of outdoor advertising when we see arise about 30 lollipops advertising (the most ugly and dangerous to traffic), replacing the annual flowers with perennials that are much cheaper to the taxpayer, space management flowered with locals, etc., etc..

Before that we be criticized, we affirm that it is absolutely not in our minds to question the staff did an admirable job and who ask only to share with the people! For now we award the palm of disinformation to the Mayor.
Hopefully, with our advice, the city will get this second flower!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

How To Make Disneyland Leather Bracelets

June 2007

A mayor who does not comply with Avon!

It makes the "communication", neglecting information:

No information on changing radio channels of television: The
rebroadcasting local TV are part of the remit of the Community Commons. It would have been desirable, even if the primary responsibility for the lack of accurate information returns to Television in France ", the community of Commons, for example via Elan, have them better informed of the terms of this change and settings! Refusal

Consensus axis Leclerc - Roosevelt - De Gaulle: Securing
finally become a priority, but not for cyclists! The project was dropped and we all would be decided without consultation. Some have even made a constructive proposal with secure bike path: UNSUCCESSFUL in the plans presented to the press!

"Urbanization without program" Tray Station (see paragraph 14 of the Municipal Council of 27 March 2007):
Any developer should be, especially when land is scarce, make choices, establish a "program" : City Hall has not ! She knows only that urbanization with private investors and without housing. Then it loads a planner to make him three proposals "program." Stuck for ideas for mayor?

So ideas, we bring in the municipal campaign of 2008: it is time to have another ambition for AVON. If you want more details, please contact us: we have right here at 280 words every 2 months to inform you

Contact us or visit us at 51 rue R. Dumoncel. "NEAR YOU" Jean-Marie VIROT, Odile DÖRLER Daniel CARBONEL Michele Battegay. 06 99 23 74 27

Cute Sayings With Hug Candy


ITEM No. 13 of the Municipal Council of 22 May 2007

Speech by Jean-Marie VIROT "NEAR YOU"

The town of Avon has not paid its membership fee to the Association of Homes Boundaries for 3 years. It is 17 738 euros
Avon is yet a founding member of the association.
For reasons that still remain obscure, Avon had requested the establishment of a Tree House, has not signed the contract in February 2001 that actait Territory and allowed to subsidize this creation. 3 years, the contributions remain unpaid for reasons of "progressive" was first told that it should have been the purview of the CCFA (jurisdiction delegated environment) and then, having decided to commit Fontainebleau alone (without by CCFA), adherence to the association of Avon would have been motivated by the support of the creation of a national park in the forest of Fontainebleau. As this will not happen, Avon wants to resign. This is the official reason advanced today. Since 1999, the reaction was slow. In fact, the motivations are purely political, the mayor suspected all education associations to be transmission belts for the left! Absurd because the 24 municipalities, only four are held by the left.
By letter dated February 6, 2007, unless the matter has been discussed in city council, the mayor formally announced his resignation, which must be confirmed by a vote in the City Council to be effective and legal.
In this letter, the mayor announced the creation of a House Tree in Avon by bidding "on the perimeter of the flagship station of Avon" so that it is not part of the project voted in City Council (Item 14 of the Municipal Council March 27, 2007).

A tree house, alone, has little meaning if it is a kind of "museum" extra, since houses are themed real possibility of financial balance that network, supported by a strong environmental education and structured like the House of Demarcation Project. (For example, revenue from the animation are AMBFF past three years from 3000 € to nearly € 90 000, faster than predicted by the financial review that led to the signing of the Contract Territory). On a

Generally speaking, the draft of the Houses of Demarcation is the first networking of forces for a common sustainable development, based on leisure travel, sport and environment around the forest of Fontainebleau, and therefore the production of equipment ad-hoc, the existence of a single leadership team and a common philosophy of education to the environment, centered around a "Country of Fontainebleau." It's very
understood Fontainebleau launches study on the creation of the Maison de la Faune Sauvage. Recall that it was intended
6 houses: Insects (conducted in Ponthierry) Water and Forest of Fontainebleau (conducted, common in Champagne, Héricy, Samois, Thomery Veneux, Vulaines), sandstone (Appendix performed Ury and probably soon to Nemours), Wildlife (to be completed at Fontainebleau), Birds ( to perform at La Rochette) and Tree (which should have been brought by Avon but it has not signed the contract with the Territory Region).
It is regrettable that Avon take the decision to engage only in an adventure that you do not really see the purpose, especially since the Region will fund a new Contract of Territory in which could well register is creating this House.

Furthermore, after creating a special diploma facilitator Nature Recreation Bac + 2 level by the University of Paris VII (founding member, plant biology lab), the Houses of Demarcation created ex nihilo 14 permanent jobs that sustain 12 families, some on Avon.

Given the above analysis, we condemn the decision of the municipality that we do not understand, especially if the House of Wildlife takes place at Fontainebleau! The network will continue without Avon. It's very bad for the image of Avon, and employment, then we have funded, with no result and much more expensive, structures or intermunicipal travel in Asia that have never reported, except spending and greenhouse gas emissions.