The sudden strictness Mayor's parking lot after 13 years of complacency, let them have at the least confused. Yet this is only the fruit of hesitation waltz on the blue areas or not, and the result of carelessness in the management of public spaces. It was very easy, after shouting "Stop the Concrete" for concrete collective shred available. But the time of fat cows which were harvested, among others, the housing tax is spent. Now you have to pay utilities become undersized: car parks, the sewage treatment plant (the Prefect put us in default, under penalty financial, to stop pollution), public transportation, school facilities, etc. . when the purchasing power of French is declining. All this is only the result of a headlong rush that must be put end.
Under pressure from the global oil market and a certain awareness of the dangers, the Grenelle Environment directs France to research and implement actions which contribute to the harmonious development of our society more efficient for our finances and our well-being, of course, but also for the planet!
That is why the team "Near You", extended and open, has chosen the slogan: "Avon, city eco-citizen" and decided to prepare and put in place for years come, a coherent program and thought, from an "Agenda 21 recognized." We will engage in collective thinking to define actions to consolidate the economic development of our city, including ensuring real quality of life for all while preserving our environment. This is a challenging goal for our community to be mobilized, bringing their own stone to the edifice. There is much to do but it is the future of our children and grandchildren that is just as much as the interest of citizens today.
* Agenda 21 recognized: it is an action program for 21 th century, made at the Earth Conference in Rio in 1992. Recognized is a label awarded by the French government, to avoid artificial Agenda 21 which serve only to make pictures with Pdt of the Republic.
IMPORTANT: All EU citizens (EU) have the right (duty?) To vote in municipal elections. Just go sign up early at the town hall.
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